
Graham Hill Profile Statement

I am a self-employed lawyer. I value and practice independence and a principled ethic.

I was born and grew up in Christchurch. I graduated MA (Hons) (in History and Classics ) and LlB (Hons) from the University of Canterbury. I then worked in Wellington for 10 years. In wanting to come back to the south island and came to Blenheim in 2001 with my wife, Fernanda, who is from Central America, along with my now 15 year old son, who is at Marlborough College. We can think of nowhere better to live, are committed to the Marlborough region, and Blenheim is home.

I see many people in my work and socially: retired people, self-employed people, those with small businesses, people who work for others across a range of trades and occupations - these are the heart of the economy and our town. Many of these people see council working out of step with them or beyond reach or being too technical or merely for the ‘smart people’. Council needs to serve all and fulfil its core functions fairly.

Council and its machinery is for all. All rate payers have to pay. In return they rightly expect core services and amenities. Rates therefore require fairness and accountability.

Fair delivery of necessary services with fairly spread costs and in a rational and principled way. Local government is not for an ‘in group’ or an industry group or for one group’s particular interests against another’s. It is not for one non-elected and non-accountable group to push a project ‘wheel barrow’ and tip the fix up, on the Council and the costs on to all.

Emotive spin gas no place in dealing with hard facts: The basic truth- the really simple democratic principles are: no tax (rates) without representation; then a check on the executive actions - and within the law- keeping it all straight; then fairness in how community things are paid for, looked after and developed.

Looking after community assets, developing new ones has to be done in a balanced and principled way without tipping the dumpster of debt, infrastructure fix up costs on the succeeding generations.

The Council is not a community EFT POS/ ATM for some, but a democratic body -with things it has to do - for all. It affects our daily needs.

Rather than sit on the side lines I decided to do something about it and stand for council to practically keep it straight.

I have the legal and technical skills plus principled basis to see this is practically done.

Keeping it straight

Keeping it principled

Keeping it practical

Vote for me, Graham Hill.