Your Council, Marlborough

This site is intended to compile information on candidates running for the Marlborough local election using published information from many sources including facebook, wikipedia, the Marlborough Express, the MDC nominations list, the MDC 2016 council election list and individual candidates websites.

If you are a candidate and would like to update or contribute information for this site, please email me at

Voting for the 2016 Council Elections is by way of postal vote during the period 16 September to 12 noon on Saturday 8 October.

Mayoral Candidates

Age: 71
Occupation: Marlborough Stalwart
Position running for: Mayor

My principal place of residence is in the Marlborough District.
I have been self-employed since I was 20.
15 years with my own building business, 15 apprentices overall and an average of six staff.
President of the Softball Association and coached senior and junior softball teams for 17 years.
Very active member of Blenheim Round Table for 14 years and attained national executive position. Held an officer roll every year. In 1990 organised one of the biggest Sporting events - the Ultimate Challenge - as a member of the 1990 Waitangi celebrations.
Rex Scoble and I spent two years in 1983 bringing the Sportsperson of the Year back as a top class social event. This entailed co-ordinating all the sports in Marlborough which was exciting but very challenging.
Organised a syndicate to purchase the multi-million dollar vineyard for Colonial Vineyard Ltd.
Ran a very successful award winning Real Estate business (originally Colonial Real Estate then Harcourts) from 1984 till 2008.

  • ?

Age: 46
Occupation: Owner operator of Gist Communication Services and MDC Councillor
Position running for: Mayor and Blenheim Ward

Brian is standing for election on a platform of growing Marlborough, making the region a place where our children & grandchildren want to live. As well we must control rate increases & spend rate payer money wisely.

  • Attracting people to Work, Live, Study and Do Business in Marlborough
  • A Lean, Fit and Enabling Council
  • Exiting Residential Section Development and Commercial Property Ownership
  • Theatre
  • Bypass

Read my profile statement

Age: 66
Occupation: Consultant in the Primary Industries and Tertiary Education
Position running for: Mayor and Wairau-Awatere Ward

I have a passion for Marlborough and its' communities. My reputation has been built on integrity, honesty and hard work. I will listen to the ratepayers, representing their best interests. My door will always be open to anyone who needs my help or advice and I will, without exception hold the council to account to ensure ratepayer money is spent prudently. I will be a mayor who will never let you down – vote Colin King.

  • Providing quality drinking water throughout Marlborough communities
  • Keeping rates affordable for everyone
  • Transparency in the way that Council does business.
  • Valuing youth within our community
  • Council being an enabler of business not a barrier to business
  • Theatre debt and ongoing running costs
  • Promotes the region as a great place to do business and create jobs.
  • Focusing Council on core infrastructure

Read my profile statement

Age: 60
Occupation: MDC Councillor and lawyer at Wisheart, Macnab and Partners
Position running for: Mayor and Blenheim Ward

Your vote for me is your vote for a Mayor with professionalism, experience, progressive vision, balance and integrity; a Mayor who has a proven track record and the capability and commitment to serve Marlborough through open and strong leadership.

  • Exemplary Governance
  • Vision
  • Community Engagement
  • Balanced Growth

Read my profile statement

Marlborough Sounds Ward

Age: ?
Occupation: ?
Position running for: Marlborough Sounds Ward

My principal place of residence is in the Marlborough Sounds Ward.
As one of three councillors representing the people of the Marlborough Sounds, I will attend faithfully to the interests of Sounds residents and land owners by consulting widely and applying myself industriously to the issues that concern them most. I have served as chairman of the French Pass Residents for the past eight years, during which time I have successfully engaged with members of the community holding divergent views on a range of issues, seeking always to find common ground with reason and patience.
My life experience includes working with children at risk, establishing a vineyard and winery, building the traditional sailing vessel, Steadfast, with which I operate an educational and tourist charter business out of Picton, and assisting in the management of the French Pass DOC campground.
Ko ahau he kaipōti i roto i te Marlborough Sounds Ward.
Ka haere ahau i te pono ki nga ngākau nuitanga o Sounds noho me rangatira whenua mā te kōrero whānui, me te tono ahau itoito ki nga take e arohia ana . Kua mahi ahau rite tiamana o Te Aumiti kainoho mo te waru tau e mua, i roto i nei te wa i pai rawe ahau ki te mau melo o te hapori e pupuri whakaaro weherua i runga i te whānuitanga o ngā take, e whai ana i nga wa katoa ki te kitea whenua noa ki te take.
Wheako toku ora kau mahi ki ngā tamariki i mōrea, te whakatū i te mara waina, me te whare waina, hanga i te oko rere tuku iho, Tu'uma'u, me i whakahaere ahau i te mahi tūtohinga mātauranga me te tāpoi i roto o Waitohi, a āwhina i roto i te whakahaere o te puninga Te Aumiti mō Te Papa Atawhai.

  • Finding the right balance between commercial, recreational, and conservation interests in the Sounds, and continuing to invest in Picton.

Age: ?
Occupation: ?
Position running for: Marlborough Sounds Ward

My principal place of residence is in the Marlborough Sounds Ward.
Commitment and communication are strengths I bring to working for you, our Sounds community.
For the past six years as your Councillor I believe I have justified the trust the Marlborough Sounds community placed in me to represent the Ward, to respond to local concerns and to contribute to the growth of Marlborough.
I initiated Smart and Connected strategy for Marlborough, now with groups in Picton and Havelock, working for change, both for the community and for business. I have led the regional planning initiative, a requirement of Government, to define what Marlborough will be like for the foreseeable future.
I share with you a love of our area: together we can make a significant contribution to Marlborough, securing an exciting and sustainable future for us all.
With knowledge, energy and enthusiasm I look forward to working for you, to continue striving for a better tomorrow.

  • ?

Age: ?
Occupation: ?
Position running for: Marlborough Sounds Ward

My principal place of residence is in the Marlborough Sounds Ward.
Easy to reach, willing to listen. I bring drive and enthusiasm to this role. With strong communication skills, I am available to listen to concerns and take issues to council.
Electing me you will have a proactive voice working your ward, to champion concerns and ensure that your communities’ concerns / needs are respected.
Supporting a variety of commercial and recreational activities, the Marlborough Sounds environs face issues requiring careful management.
How these challenges are managed which allows for growth but protects the unique qualities is key to the wellbeing of communities’ futures.
Having operated a business within the region for 29 years, I understand the needs of the communities and have the skills and abilities to seek solutions.
Council must listen to communities’ needs and where money is spent on facilities, it is in line with communities aspirations. Council must aim for zero rates increase 2017.
Contacts: 03-5735655,

  • ?

Age: ?
Occupation: ?
Position running for: Marlborough Sounds Ward

My principal place of residence is not within the Marlborough Sounds Ward.
I am a fourth generation Marlburian with grandchildren attending school in Marlborough.
In the interest of present and future generations, I have put forward my name to contest the position of Councillor.
I see the lack of transparency and accountability in Council has delivered the Theatre debacle; coupled with inadequate to nil consultation in formulating the MEP has divided Marlborough.
Most Marlburians derive their income directly or indirectly from the environment, with approximately 50% of Marlborough locked up in the DOC estate, can society afford the luxury of retiring productive land and water at the expense of job losses and community wellbeing. I see the MEP will deliver this outcome if confirmed in its present form.
I support Primary Production, Aquaculture, Fishing, Forestry, Agriculture, Tourism and Horticulture. Council’s job is to install an economic environment in which these industries can prosper with minimal rules, regulation and cost of compliance.

  • ?

Age: 47
Occupation: Businesswoman
Position running for: Marlborough Sounds Ward

My principal place of residence is in the Marlborough Sounds ward.
As a local Picton resident I am connected to my community. I am approachable and accessible and I’ve proved this in my work for the community, serving on organisations as diverse as Marlborough Marine Radio, the Picton Foodbank and the Picton Community Early Learning and Waikawa Bay School Boards.
I intend to bring a common sense, no-nonsense approach to the Council table.
I will advocate for genuine community consultation and for robust financial and political accountability in all Council activities.

  • Access to quality and affordable drinking water for all Marlborough towns: Council must prioritise basic needs such as drinking water. Costs must be shared to ensure affordability.
  • Freedom camping: If it’s not self-contained and not certified then it should be staying in a private or a DOC camping ground.
  • Protecting the quality of life and lifestyle for local Picton, Havelock and Sounds residents: It’s the ordinary things that make a difference - parking at the height of summer, library services, new footpaths and footpath maintenance, cleaner streams, reliable sewerage and water services, access to Sounds recreational activities through moorings and marinas.
  • Promoting Picton as a tourist destination: Picton and the Sounds are the jewel in Marlborough’s tourism crown. They need to be given that position and focus – in resources, event planning, and tourism promotion.
  • Protecting the Marlborough Sounds and rivers, from sewerage, storm water, industry run-off and siltation: Our families and visitors deserve clean and swimmable water – river and sea.
  • Transparency in Council discussions and decision making; Technology is part of the answer: live-stream Council meetings and also have them available on-demand on the Council website, so that all residents can tune-in at a time that suits them.
  • Theatre debt: To date Council has fallen short in its fiscal decision making with this. It need a considered, future focused, plan in place - one that works for the ratepayers.

Wairau-Awatere Ward

Age: ?
Occupation: MDC Councillor and writer/editor
Position running for: Wairau-Awatere Ward

Fourth generation Marlburian, Renwick resident 45 years; wife, mother, grandmother.
For the last three years I have been a voice for heartland Marlborough on Council. I have a deep passion for this province and its people and have worked hard as a Councillor to; help take Marlborough forward; to represent the interests of all people across this wonderful province and in particular those who live, work and play in the Wairau Awatere Ward.
In putting my name forward for a second term I pledge again to see: the democratic process upheld; that growth does not come at the expense of the environment; that rural communities and townships are supported in achieving their aspirations; that commonsense decision-making prevails.
He aha te mea nui? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata! – What is the most important thing in the world? It is people! It is people! It is people!

  • ?

Age: ?
Occupation: Real Estate agent at Sotheby's International Realty
Position running for: Wairau-Awatere Ward

Originally from Southland, Tim has a BCom and broad experience in a number of sectors, including agriculture, tourism, marketing, advertising, viticulture and property.
He and his wife, moved from Auckland to Marlborough in 1993, choosing to raise their family in a regional centre rather than the city, and thinking why wait until retirement before living where you want.
Because of his background and approachable manner, Tim relates well to people from all walks of life. He has involved himself in numerous community activities, mostly on a voluntary basis and often finishing up the natural leader, providing governance and bringing out the best in people around him.
Standing on a platform of positive goals, open discussion and common sense, he believes the greatest future for Marlborough continues to be in adding value to primary produce, in tourism and ensuring it remains the best place in New Zealand to live.

  • ?

Age: ?
Occupation: MDC Councillor
Position running for: Wairau-Awatere Ward

Clr Geoff Evans alongside wife Liz, is a high country family farmer in the upper Waihopai Valley.
I am seeking re-election to build on opportunities already gained for our land users and small towns. Looking ahead, resourceful Marlborough has a great future based on rural/urban business and community partnerships.
I established the Rural Advisory Group to draw people together and improve communication within the Wairau-Awatere Ward and with Council.
RAG, with support from Council staff and input from ward groups, is working on the Environment Plan, broadband/cell phone access, waste solutions and pest management.
My experience on Council has been active: contributing to all major committees and sitting on the Water Allocation Working Group, Assets and Services, Regional Policy and Development, Wood Sector Group, Regional Transport Committee and the Flaxbourne irrigation governance group.
I ask your hard questions, without fear or favour, and expect answers.

  • ?

Age: ?
Occupation: Chief Executive at Marlborough Research Centre
Position running for: Wairau-Awatere Ward

I am also standing for the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board.
As a former Mayor and councillor I’m absolutely and positively committed to Marlborough. Give me your vote and I will give you an experienced, well informed councillor who cares about people and the district.
I have been connected to rural communities as a long term resident through chairing Rarangi Residents Association, Tua Marina School Committee, Grovetown Lagoon Restoration Society, Marlborough Cycleway Group and a rural fire fighter.
Being a long term keen community volunteer I have a record of community service such as the Marlborough Art society and Hospice Marlborough. I am an elected member of the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board.
I know the practical requirements for establishing and funding water supply, waste management, local roading and community facilities such as the Giesen Sports and Events Centre.
I know how to get the job done and I’m ready and willing to continue to serve you.

  • ?

Blenheim Ward

Age: ?
Occupation: MDC Councillor
Position running for: Blenheim Ward

As a District Councillor I consider it a huge privilege to have served the people of Marlborough. We have a fantastic province with great potential, yet small enough to care about our citizens, their aspirations and concerns.
My strength on Council is providing for our senior residents, recognising the huge impact The Baby Boomers will have on Marlborough, balanced with empowering younger people to stay.
My family resides in Marlborough and shares my vision “From the Mountains to the Sea Marlborough is the place to be” ... vibrant, accessible for all.
Community involvement, Age Concern, Garden Marlborough, Nativity Church, working with charities and The Justice of the Peace association.
I have time and the commitment to work for you. I believe in supporting community events, listening to what our community is saying and being accessible to the public.
Please contact me Phone 5785580, cell 0212578549


Age: ?
Occupation: ?
Position running for: Blenheim Ward

As a Councillor I stand on performance. I believe our constituents should be treated equally, listened to and valued. I am approachable and easy to talk with.
I stand up for what I believe in. I promote fairness in the tendering process and advertising of council positions. I am committed to common sense decisions, made with a focus on core council activities. I have continued to challenge council management and the status quo.
We must address the use of financial reserves, continued use of certain consultants and consultation with local Iwi. Personal achievements this term include taking Annual Plans into the Community for discussion; the establishment of the Small Township Upgrade Committee; a Christmas tree for the CBD and planning for dog parks.
My wife and four children are active and proud Marlburians.
I aim to be a Committee Chair. I ask for your vote to represent you on Council.

  • ?

Age: 61
Occupation: Semi retired and experienced senior corporate manager
Position running for: Blenheim Ward

I believe I am in touch with our communities. I will listen, I will ask the hard questions and do not consider the task a popularity contest but a job requiring the skills, experiences, openness and honesty I have learned in my working career

  • A Future Vision for Marlborough
  • Core Business
  • Growth
  • Openness and Transparency

Read my profile statement

Age: 45
Occupation: Supervisor
Position running for: Blenheim Ward

Hello Voters
I am standing for Council as I wish to contribute to a happy healthy Marlborough that my 5 children can be proud to call home.
I bring honesty, empathy and lateral thinking, am a team player and would promote a positive, cohesive, and united atmosphere, bringing balance, efficiency and common sense decision making within Council.
I have an avid interest in environmental issues, and providing appropriate services to all sectors of our community.
I have a wide range of social and vocational experience including, learning at Lincoln University, Polytechnic, work in the Christchurch building industry, bar ownership, secretary for the Central JAB rugby, Grovetown/Spring Creek sewerage scheme community spokesperson, Spring Creek Ratepayers Association Committee, school PTAs and a supervisor at Selmes Garden Centre.
I am approachable, relate well to all backgrounds, ages and ethnicities, and I am conscious of continuous financial burdens that families face.
Thank you.

  • ?

Age: ?
Occupation: ?
Position running for: Blenheim Ward

Hi, I’m Cyril Dawson and yes I am running for Council and No I am not related to Brian Dawson.
I have lived in Blenheim (not Marlborough city) for 43 years and a lot of you will know me through sport, music and my work.
I am married and have a son and a stepson.
I was on the Board of Trustees at Blenheim School for 5 years as property manager and am currently president of the Clubs of Marlborough golf section.
I am going into this election as a Jog Bloggs, grassroots ratepayer wanting to discourage unnecessary spending of ratepayers’ money.
With a lot of people on fixed or low to middle incomes, the Council have to prioritise where the money is spent.
People before luxuries, necessities before niceties.
In conclusion, with your support, we can make this happen.
Thank you.

  • ?

Age: ?
Occupation: ?
Position running for: Blenheim Ward

A 44 Year old passionate Marlborough man.
Born, bred and educated in Marlborough.
Married to Tracey with two teenage children attending local colleges.
I own and operate a Local appliance retail store in Blenheim for the last 28 years.
I have previously owned two local preschools and have completed a number of small subdivision and building projects in Blenheim.
I am a committee member off Blenheim Business Association working to improve the vibrancy and look of the CBD.
I have been a director of The Appliance Network Society , a committee member of Central and Marlborough JAB rugby and take an interest in all local sport with my current interest as a rugby referee.
The following are immediate problems that need attention:

  • Affordable housing
  • Appropriate housing for RSE workers
  • Sustainable growth
  • Maintaining existing assets to a high standard before large products are considered
  • Quality drinking water for Marlborough

Age: ?
Occupation: Retired (previous Redwoodtown School principal)
Position running for: Blenheim Ward

I am a recently retired school principal currently running a small business in partnership with my wife Trish. I have three married daughters and six grandchildren.
I am involved in the community through sport and culture and have a keen interest in education and family welfare.
I am standing because I want to see Marlborough continue to progress at an affordable rate.
For Marlborough to grow we will need strong infra structure and an ability to attract more residents. We need to encourage business development to create more jobs by removing barriers that limit investment. Marlborough needs to be promoted as the great place for families to live.
I’m an independent. I have the skills and people experience to be an effective councillor. I am honest and open and will be a valuable team member ensuring decisions made are in the best interests of present and future Marlburians.

  • ?

Age: I am 58 – age should not be an issue
Human Rights Act 1993 - Prohibited grounds of discrimination
Occupation: Lawyer
Position running for: Blenheim Ward

In short keeping it straight; that the MDC should not end up being the tipping ground for costly projects irrespective of the merits of them; transparency of process; heartland voters need to take back ownership of local democracy- MDC is for ALL not SOME.

Feel free to phone 579 4033 or 021 143 8020

Time for a new guard

  • Ensuring necessary infrastructure needs are given priority
  • Not buying into rate increases will nilly
  • Keeping Council to its core functions and duties
  • Striving for a principled basis to important decisions

Read my profile statement


Age: ?
Occupation: ?
Position running for: Blenheim Ward

My grandparents arrived in Marlborough in 1896. Born here, and lived in Blenheim all my life, married Vivienne in 1972, and been a Chartered Accountant since 1977.
My governance experience includes various Public listed Company Boards as Chair or Finance Chair. I was Finance Director of NZ Rugby Union for 8 years and Highlanders Franchise for six. Community service includes Church and Round Table Service Clubs - elected National President of that organisation and served 5 years as Secretary-General of its World Body.
I fully understand Governance principles and the importance of good governance. I can work with anyone and believe strongly in principles of healthy debate, teamwork, collective responsibility and respect for an individual.
Passionate about Marlborough, if elected I would use my skills to the best of my ability for the betterment of Marlborough and to ensure finances are used wisely and affordably.

  • ?

Age: ?
Occupation: ?
Position running for: Blenheim Ward

Hello, name is Diane Ryan and I am standing for the Blenheim Ward in which I live.
Blenheim is an amazing place to live, work and retire in. I want to support our people, improve our facilities and ensure the longevity of our fantastic landscape.
Blenheim has a dynamic, changing population and council decisions must be balanced to meet the needs of the young and the growing retired community. During my first term I intend to focus on these important needs. I also want to see the Council focus on increasing the number of visitors to Marlborough by making the most of our wonderful natural environment and hardworking entrepreneurs.
As a previous financial and risk management auditor for Auckland Council and experienced business woman I believe I have the skills and passion to do this and will serve you well.
Thank you for participating in these valuable elections.

  • ?

Age: 41
Occupation: MDC Councillor
Position running for: Blenheim Ward

My personal values drive my conduct and credibility as your council representative. I am trustworthy; I have demonstrated fairness, honesty and integrity over the last 3 years on council. Demanding open and transparent council process is paramount to building community confidence and key to the reputation of council.
I have the passion, energy, experience and leadership skills to move the region forward in a positive way.
I ask for your continued support, Vote Back Laressa Shenfield. Please contact me direct if you have any questions

  • Sensible and accountable use of ratepayer funds and cash reserves with a focus on core council activities as priorities
  • A ‘can do’ culture that enables business investment and innovation
  • Opportunities and facilities for our young people to get the support they need to succeed

Read my profile statement

Age: ?
Occupation: ?
Position running for: Blenheim Ward

It is with a lot of consideration and encouragement received that I stand for re-election.
Having now completed 2 terms, the last as Deputy Mayor and Chairman of Assets and Services, I have valuable experience to help assist council for the new term.
As a well known local business man for the last 21 years, coupled with my experiences as a councillor, administrator and sporting communities involvement, I believe I have what is needed, for a well balanced and measured approach that is required to make decisions for the betterment and future of our province.
Good management of our reserves in recent times has lead us to achieve a number of special projects and still leave us in a strong financial position, which has our council rated highly by national standards, something of which I am proud to have been part of and want to see continued.

  • ?

Age: 65
Occupation: Retired (previously principal of Whitney Street School)
Position running for: Blenheim Ward

I have the energy, skills and now the time to give service to Marlborough, a community I feel privileged to be part of.
I ‘retired’ at the end of 2015 after a 43 year career in education, the last 24 years as principal of Whitney Street School. I continue to act as a member support person for NZEI, the education union.
I believe my ability to work positively with a wide range of groups and individuals will be an important asset to bring to the Council forum.
I offer Council strengths in strategic planning, communication and negotiation skills and the ability to be a good listener. These strengths will contribute to effective Council leadership and decision making.
I think it’s important to balance my Council commitments with my other interests. These include rugby referee coaching, biking, horse racing, Marlborough wine and helping my wife Jo keep up with eight grandchildren.
My primary reason in standing for Council is to give service to Marlborough, a community I am privileged to be a part of.

  • Connecting council with our community so people feel informed, listened to and feel part of positive decision making
  • Encouraging a culture within Council focusing on creating a total team working together for the future of Marlborough
  • To help ensure the proposed restructuring of secondary education in Marlborough provides the very best outcomes for our young people